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Volunteering Opportunities &
Church Committees

Contact the office for more information or email [email protected]

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Christian Education

The Christian Education Committee oversees all aspects of faith-based learning for adults, youth, and children at Bethlehem. Everyone from the smallest members of our church to the wisest members have an opportunity to share in learning about God's unending and unconditional love for them.


Bearing in mind Bethlehem's Mission Statement of "being and making disciples," the Evangelism Committee welcomes and facilitates the reception of guests and new members. The Committee oversees the church library and promotes growth in faith through lectionary readings, Lutheran magazine subscriptions, videos, movies, and community events, plus  also provides activity bags for children to enjoy during worship.

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The Fellowship Committee sponsors a variety of events throughout the year where members can enjoy time with one another at special activities such as Octoberfest and receptions, playing games, listening to music, or just plain having fun.


The Personnel Committee addresses the administrative and developmental issues involved with our church staff.  The Committee works to ensure fair, consistent and respectful personnel practices that foster a positive work environment and reflect our Christian values.


The Property Committee has the responsibility of overseeing the normal maintenance of our church building, grounds and rental property. Projects range from general upkeep to repairs and renovations. All skills (painting, cleaning, plumbing, carpentry, electrical, etc.) are always valued and appreciated.

Action and Mission Committee

Action and Mission include a variety of opportunities to love the neighbor, in our local, national and international communities. We are called to put our faith into action by striving to continue Jesus' Mission of providing food, clothing, visitation, and spiritual support to those in need.

Visit the Ministries page for details or click here for a list of our ministry offerings. Click here for the Action and Mission Interest Form.


The Stewardship Committee serves the congregation by helping members give of their time, talent and treasures promoting greater levels of involvement in our church community and in response to God's many blessings. The Stewardship Committee also helps in the planning of our annual budget.

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Communications & Technology

The Communications & Technology Committee advises and assists the church staff with the implementation of various technologies including computers, networking, email, and phone systems. They also maintain  communication through social media including YouTube for livestreaming, Facebook, and email distribution of Weekly Announcements.

In conjunction with the Evangelism Committee, the committee is also responsible for the design and maintenance of Bethlehem's church website and the Bethlehem Backchat Podcast.

Worship & Music

The Worship & Music Committee, in coordination with the Music Director, serves in a variety of capacities. They meet periodically to discuss adornment of the sanctuary, liturgy settings changes, banner hanging, hymn choices for special occasions and festival seasons, as well as Christmas greening and decoration of the sanctuary.

Youth Ministry

The Youth Ministry Committee guides and coordinates the scheduling of Sunday evening gatherings, special events, service projects and fun outings throughout the year. This committee also oversees fundraising for retreats and gathering opportunities for our youth.

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Bethlehem Lutheran Church (ELCA)

1719 Mt. Royal Blvd. Glenshaw PA 15116

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 412-486-0550

FAX: 412-486-0551 

We believe that a disciple is a student of Christ and a helper in Christ's redemptive and life-giving work. We strive to make disciples by sharing the message of Christ, by providing opportunities to come to a deeper understanding of God's word, and by empowering others to serve in ways that are in harmony with God's vision. 

© Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church. All rights reserved.

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