Serving In The World

Each December the members of BELC "fill the stable" through donations that go directly to the ELCA Good Gifts program. Collected donations from the congregation are used to purchase chickens, pigs, goats, cows, and other livestock to the needy all over the world. This project enables us to share our good gifts from God to fight worldwide hunger and poverty and transform the lives of others. This program is part of the ELCA World Hunger Program which responds to the cause of hunger by working in over 60 countries around the world, including the United States. Its work includes hunger education, advocacy, and projects to help people lift themselves out of poverty and hunger long-term. Click here for more information.
We faithfully support the larger church through offerings and service, which includes supporting the ELCA World Relief Program. The ELCA provides relief and development work through a number of ministries, including the ELCA Malaria Campaign, the ELCA World Hunger Relief, the ELCA HIV and AIDS Ministry, Lutheran Disaster Response, and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service. Each of these ministries works in partnership with others who share the common purpose of serving and loving our neighbor and aiding all communities in the name of Jesus Christ. Click here for more information.