Ministering to the Congregation
Interested in helping? Contact the office or email [email protected]

This vital ministry offers health education in a variety of ways including newsletter articles, bulletin boards, and library resources on topics covering nutrition, physical and mental disorders, healthy living, aging and addiction. The team provides workshops and first aid kits for the church that also serve as as giveaways at the Shaler School District's Homecoming event. Physical activity is encouraged through Bethlehem's Fit Church held at North Park during the summer where exercise in nature is followed by a biblical topic.
This group is comprised of dedicated individuals who reach out to and visit members of the congregation who are unable to worship regularly due to age, illness or other reasons. The Hope & Compassion Team members make regular visits to nursing
facilities and private homes to provide devotions, prayers, and fellowship to those in need. They often make and take handmade gifts and tokens to those they visit throughout the year. The team also works with the Youth and Sunday School classes to create crafts and gifts to take on visits.
If you enjoy sending or making cards to lift the spirits of others, then you would enjoy serving as part of the Bethlehem Card Ministry. This group mails out cards to members throughout the course of the year, celebrating birthdays and milestones, providing support and encouragement, and letting members know they are in our thoughts and prayers.
Outreach to the congregation is accomplished through the Thoughts and Prayers Ministry by way of the Bethlehem office staff and/or pastors. Prayer requests are emailed out to this ministry's members with specific prayer requests received by our congregants. Prayers will be offered in support of those in need through this prayer chain.