Ministries & Volunteer Opportunities
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Bethlehem Haven/Miryam's House
Women's Shelter Meals
Bethlehem Haven/Miryam's House is a program for homeless women and those at risk of homelessness. Dinners for residents are provided on a regular basis by Bethlehem's serving teams. Members prepare and deliver the evening meal to the women staying at the Bethlehem Miryam's House.
New Start Ministry
New Start Ministry provides small household appliances, bedding, lamps, and other small items to those in need. Our goal is to help individuals and families create a comfortable and functional living space. These items, upon request, are delivered directly to a person's home through a volunteer team. New Start Ministry has a long history of caring for our siblings in Christ in this way. We believe that everyone deserves a safe and welcoming home, and we are committed to making that a reality for those we serve.
Thanks to the many donations, funding from Bethlehem and grant funds received from the Southwestern Pennsylvania Synod of the ELCA and St. John's Lutheran Church of Highland, we are able to cover the cost of gasoline and storage units. Extra funds enable us to purchase small appliances that are not received as donations.

North Hills Community Outreach Food Bank
Help local families who are struggling with not having enough food to eat. We collect donations of food and personal care items to give to the North Hills Community Outreach to be distributed to members of our community. Donations can be placed in the bin by the entrance doors to Bethlehem at any time. NHCO is an interfaith organization addressing the needs of people in crisis, hardship and poverty.
Northside Common Ministries
Bethlehem's serving teams are responsible for providing evening meals on the second and fourth Friday of each month. We have four teams who prepare, deliver, and serve the food for which the men are most grateful. Northside Common Ministries provides hope for the homeless, treating the men with dignity and compassion, as well as a safe place to sleep at the end of a long day on the streets. In addition, NCM provides laundry facilities, warm clothing and shoes, as well as resources for the men to prepare resumes.

Health & Wellness Team
The Health & Wellness Team encourages healthy lifestyles by way of newsletter articles, bulletin boards, and the promotion of healthy food options at our many fellowship events. Health & Wellness also offers a prison ministry outreach to fulfill the needs of those incarcerated at the Allegheny County Jail. We collect a variety of items for use while incarcerated and clothing for use upon release.
The Blessing Box
Located in the front corner of the church near Mt. Royal, the Blessing Box is for those in need of food. The Ladies in Fellowship Together (LIFT) group and others stock the box to ensure that our community can help themselves to what they may need. Anyone is invited to "Take what you need, leave what you can" and be blessed!

Trinity Northside Children's Christmas Gifts Ministry
Each year the members of Bethlehem provide Christmas gifts to needy children in the Pittsburgh area. A few weeks prior to Christmas, congregants pick up a gift slip before or after worship. The slip indicate the recipient's name, age, and gender, and an item that they are hoping for. On the date specified, the wrapped gift is brought to the church with the slip secured to the outside of the present. We ensure that your gift is delivered.