Dearest Members of Bethlehem,
“What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people.” -John 1:4
It’s a slow build, but you can almost be sure, if there’s a warm afternoon there will be an increase in the number of homes in our neighborhoods bedecked with lights.
It’s truly fascinating to see the varied approaches to decoration. You can tell there are some that are particularly committed to the colored lights, the soft pastel hues set the perfect tone. And there are always the purists, those committed entirely to white lights, and those white lights have to be draped perfectly on every shrub and windowpane.
And then, there are those that seem to be invested entirely in volume; those in whose front yards are an absolutely dazzling display of every light imaginable, and of course maybe some “inflatables” too.
These “inflatables,” they weren’t around when I was a kid, this is a relatively new development. But, not being one to be trapped by tradition, I’m all for recent developments in Christmas decorations. “Inflatables” can be an inspiration.
Yes, as I make my way through the neighborhood on my evening stroll, I hear the soft distinctive hum… it’s the telltale sound, there’s an “inflatable” just around the corner. It could be almost anything, a giant snowman, Santa, and even the occasional manger scene, complete with waving palm leaves.
But here’e the thing, that’s what you see during the evening stroll, if you happen to go for a walk in the morning, you see something completely different, a quiet formless heap of nylon, motionless, lifeless, and dark…
And when we recognize this stark contrast, then we have stumbled upon the wisdom of the “inflatable,” each of these decorations serves as a somewhat silly, but nonetheless blessed witness to our lives in Christ, a reminder of what it is that we celebrate this time of year.
For we Children of God to be all that we can be, we need to be filled with the breath of life. That inspired energy comes in and through the working of the Holy Spirit. And, if we disciples of Christ have any of hope of fulfilling our purpose on earth to the fullest… we’ll also need that light of Christ shining within us, without that illumination, how would anyone be able to see what it is that our Creator intended us to be?
Whatever your decorative preferences might be, God bless you… so many of the additions we make to our front yards and living rooms in this season are a glorious reminder of God’s ongoing incarnation in and through the Spirit of Christ. Enjoy every moment!
Question for reflection: Do you have a treasured Christmas decoration that inspires your celebration and deepens your appreciation of this season?
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Dan
Gracious Lord, in this day, may we truly appreciate the opportunities that we have; to be students, servants, and bearers of your good news. Each of our days is filled with purpose because each of our days are shaped by your goodness. We pray this all in Jesus’ name, Amen.