Welcome Guests
Getting Started in Worship
If you are not acquainted with our worship, relax . . . we are all God's children; you are welcome here! We have worship services at 6:00 pm on Saturday evenings, 8:00 am and 10:30 am on Sunday. Summer worship is offered on Saturday at 6:00 pm and Sunday at 9:30 am. Worship is about an hour in length. As you enter the main entrance doors, go up the stairs (elevator available) and you will see a Welcome Center. Please stop by and say, "Hello!" We would love to welcome you personally and answer any questions you may have. As you enter the sanctuary, our ushers will greet you and will hand you a printed bulletin. You can engage worship fully by following the bulletin or by following the projection on the screens.
When seated at the pew, you will find a hymnal, and a red "pew pad" which invites you to write your name, if you would like the pastor to contact you, and if you will be communing with us today. This helps us to connect with you and our members. If you have any questions, feel free to ask the ushers, the Welcome Center assistants, or any of our members.
Our Practice of Holy Communion
We offer an open communion. All those who believe that Jesus gave His body and shed His blood for the forgiveness of their sins are welcome to commune with us. We begin full communion participation in fifth grade, but visitors who commune in their church are welcome to commune in ours. All are welcome at this Eucharistic table. Children are urged to come forward for a blessing.
We welcome you into our church. We invite you to contact Pastor Dan Smail or Pastor Ellen Lundie if you would like to join us or have any questions. Click here to contact our pastors.