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Serving In Worship
Contact the Office for more information or email [email protected]

Opportunities to get involved are as varied as our members.


Communion assistants administer the communion elements during the worship service.


Contemporary Services are the 3rd Sunday of every month, excluding the Advent and Lenten seasons. Instrumental musicians are welcome to participate in this service.


Counters serve on a team to carefully and accurately count and record weekly and special offerings.


Greeters serve by welcoming members and visitors to our weekend and special worship services.  


Open to high school age through adult. This choir plays at approximately four services per year at the 10:30 AM service, with two offered in the fall and two in the spring. The season begins in September and ends the first weekend of May. Rehearsals are Thursdays at 7:00 PM in the Music Room.



Lay assistants serve in worship by helping the pastor lead the liturgy.


Lectors serve in worship by reading the lessons for the day.


For high school age through adults. This choir sings during the 10:30 AM Sunday service several times per month, September through mid-May. They rehearse Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM in the Choir Loft, with additional weekday rehearsals occasionally scheduled prior to a major feast day of celebration.


Ushers serve by guiding people into worship, distributing bulletins, and offering direction and assistance for those who need it.


Acolytes are the youth of our congregation who serve in worship by lighting candles and assisting the pastor during worship.



Volunteers sign up weekly to donate beautiful flower arrangements ordered from a local florist to adorn the altar.  Altar flowers can be dedicated to the Glory of God, in memory of loved ones or to celebrate special occasions.


The altar guild team helps prepare and clean up the communion elements and table for worship each week. The Guild also launders the robes of the pastors, lay assistants, and acolytes.


Bethlehem Lutheran Church (ELCA)

1719 Mt. Royal Blvd. Glenshaw PA 15116

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 412-486-0550

FAX: 412-486-0551 

We believe that a disciple is a student of Christ and a helper in Christ's redemptive and life-giving work. We strive to make disciples by sharing the message of Christ, by providing opportunities to come to a deeper understanding of God's word, and by empowering others to serve in ways that are in harmony with God's vision. 

© Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church. All rights reserved.

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